Diagnosis Psychosocial Risk

version française

By answering 50 simple questions, you will make a diagnosis of your level of risk.

Answer as spontaneously as possible:
after the last question you will discover your online profile.

Indicate your gender:

Indicate your age:
Less than 20
From 21 to 30
From 31 to 40
From 41 to 50
From 51 to 60
61 and more

You are:
Company director
Operator, supervisor
Other cases:

You are responsible for:
More than 200 persons
Between 50 and 199 persons
Between 20 and 49 persons
Between 10 and 19 persons
Less than 10 persons
I don't have any person under my responsibility

Your length of service in your company is:
30 years and more
25 to 29 years
20 to 24 years
15 to 19 years
10 to 14 years
5 to 9 years
2 to 5 years
Less than 2 years

Your level of education
Doctorate degree (Bac + 6 and more)
Masters degree (Bac +5)
Bachelor's degree (Bac +3)
Baccalaureate degree
Post-secondary diploma
Post-secondary certificate
Self-taught person

Your employment contract :
Permanent contract
Fix-term contract
Other cases

You are working in:
A full-time job
A chosen part-time job
A non-chosen part-time job